Key Facts About the Shawnee Tribe
The Shawnee Indians are a tribe that originally inhabited the Northeast part of America, particularly in the present day Ohio. However, because of the constant altercations with other marauding Indian tribes and the colonialist, members of the Shawnee tribe were forced to move from one location to another. Some of the areas where members of this tribe inhabited in large numbers due to frequent migration include Kentucky, Maryland, Pennsylvania, Virginia, and Alabama. Today the members of the Shawnee tribe mainly live in Oklahoma on land classified as a reserve. Historians posit that some members of the tribe could have moved as further as present-day New York in a bid to avoid various conflicts.
Shawnee tribe numbers
Prior to the constant confrontations with the colonialists, the tribe had over 10,000 people. But because of numerous wars and diseases such as flue and scarlet fever brought by the Europeans settlers, their numbers were significantly reduced. From 1812 onwards their numbers dwindled to 3500 people. Today, only15, 000 members of the Shawnee tribe live in the United States.
Shawnee homes
Because of their constant movements, the Shawnee tribe at piquashawnee.blogspot.com/2017/09/piqua-shawnee-green-corn-ceremony.html lived in semi-permanent shelters known as Wigwams. The houses were round in shape and mainly made from materials such as the tree bark, tree saplings, thick brush grass, cattails and other natural materials.
The Shawnee clothes mainly resembled what other Indians wore. For instance, women wore long skirts while men adorned breech cloths pants. They maintained long hair and loved face painting
Economic activity
The Shawnee tribe had elaborate roles for each gender. The males were responsible for hunting and gathering food, while females mainly engaged in farming, weaving, and bead work.
Today, members of the Shawnee tribe are mostly English speakers. The Shawnee language is close to extinction as only a few people speak it fluently. There have been no concerted efforts to promote and revive language among the younger members of the tribe. Serious efforts have to be put in place in order for the native Indian Language to be revived. Discover more facts about Shawnee tribes at http://military.wikia.com/wiki/Category:Shawnee_people.
Overall culture
Just like other American tribes the Shawnee tribe at www.bhamwiki.com/w/Piqua_Shawnee loved to assemble and tell stories. They mainly performed the Stomp dance in both social and religious occasion. The tribe wasn't confrontational in nature, though, they had to defend themselves against invasion from other marauding Indian tribes and colonialists. Their way of life was heavily influenced by the Cherokee Indians; a group they frequently interacted via trade.